Moon Photography: Tips on capturing the Super Moon!

Moon Photography: Tips on capturing the Super Moon!

Posted by Paolo Capili on 2022-07-13

There's a good chance that we might be able to take photos of the "Buck Moon '' tonight - one of the biggest super moon that we can see for this year. Here's some tips on how to photograph it: 

- Use of a tripod to stabilize your camera. 

- Use of a Telephoto or zoom lens 

- Shoot on RAW so if you accidentally overexposed your shot, it's easier to retrieve the details.

- Use of a remote shutter or Use of WIFI app if applicable to avoid unnecessary shake 
- Use of Low or Base ISO normally ISO 100, The moon is bright and shooting with ISO 100 at night shouldn't be a problem 
- Use of Small Fstop/ Aperture. I find that F8-f11 (APS-C cameras) or f11-f16(full frame cameras) for better depth and sharper photo 
- Faster Shutter Speed to avoid "blown out"/ overexposed photos. It's hard to say which shutter speed to use as it depends on the time and phase of the moon that you are shooting. it's better to refer to your Histogram to see if your exposure is correct. 
- Lastly, ENJOY!!! take lots of photos and play around with the settings that you have on your camera. 

Can't wait to take some photos tonight :)  If you're capturing the moon, don't forget to show us your masterpieces using #broadwaycamera on Instagram and @broadwaycamera on Facebook.